Admissions for our international programs for the Fall 2020 entry have now come to a close. We are publishing the final complete list with results of the admission process.

Please be informed that PUMS Bursary Office in Poznan is now responsible for processing of all documentattion and procedures related to U.S. student aid programs including FAFSA government loans (currently available for DDS, PharmD and Physio Programs) and Sallie Mae private loans (all programs).

With the new academic year about to start among global pandemic we want to make sure that PUMS will be a safe environment for studyingand everyday life. The new regulation issued by the Rector specifies the precautions that students arriving in Poznan from abroad are required to take in order to prevent new infections.

Poznan University of Medical Sciences and AMO have partnered to offer a variety of clinical experiences including Online Telehealth Clinical Rotations.The Chicago-based company AMOpportunities offers students the opportunity to explore and apply for clinical experiences at 200+ clinical sites across 70+ medical specialties and subspecialties for either virtual or in-person clinical experiences. They will be holding a free informational presentation to go over a variety of clinical experiences for students of PUMS on Aug 13, 2020 at 5pm (Poland), 10:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada).

We are proud to inform that a team of scientists from PUMS Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Biopharmacy led by Dr. Paulina Skupin-Mrugalska has secured a research grant from Phospholipid Research Center Heidelberg for the project "Phospholipids as excipients in Amorphous Solid Dispersions – an attempt to establish hot-melt-extrusion for oral formulations of poorly soluble drugs".

In their recent communication ( the US Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) has established that their new accreditation policy regarding foreign medical schools will come into force in the year 2024. This will mark the switch from accreditation of individual schools to recognition of whole national accreditation agencies. In Poland, the responsible body is the Polish Accreditation Commission (PKA) - according to our recent communication with this agency, it has already initiated preparatory actions leading to submission of the official application for accreditation.

Until the year 2024 or possible earlier accreditation of PKA by the WFME, PUMS is meeting ECFMG eligibility requirements on individual level, as confirmed by our listing in the World Directory of Medical Schools (

Classes in the first years of all English-language programs in the new academic year 2020/2021 begin on August 31, 2020. Due to restrictions relating to the current pandemic the initial period of study - until September 25, 2020 - will be held entirely on-line.

We are planning to commence in-person classes for first year students on Monday, September 28, if the epidemiological situation and legal regulations in Poland do not change.

In its recent regulations, the Council of the European Union, has announced that the external borders of the European Union will be re-opened to non-essential travelers from specific outside countries. The allowed list currently does not include the USA or many other home countries of our students, but it will be updated every two weeks.

The University has secured funding for construction and equipment of a new wing at the K. Jonscher Pediatric Clinical Hospital to house their oncology and hematology wards, as well as many diagnostic labs and rehabilitation rooms, in a kid-friendly setting - providing space for psychological support and social rooms for parents.

Learn new research skills and dive deep into medical science topics of interest with Coursera e-learning platform - we are offering full access to all PUMS students, faculty and staff to the platform's complete library for free for a limited period.

Poznan University of Medical Sciences
Center for Medical Education in English

41 Jackowskiego St., 60-512 Poznan, Poland


+48 61 854 72 20
+1 212-551-7867

WhatsApp: +48 609 031 274 (click to chat)


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