PUMS Pediatric Hospital Will Receive New Wing
The University has secured funding for construction and equipment of a new wing at the K. Jonscher Pediatric Clinical Hospital to house their oncology and hematology wards, as well as many diagnostic labs and rehabilitation rooms, in a kid-friendly setting - providing space for psychological support and social rooms for parents.
The project will improve treatment and care conditions for little patients by their parents' side and bring those conditions to the highest global standard.
30 million PLN financing for the project comes from the European Union budget and local government of Greater Poland region, while 1.6 million was provided by DKMS Foundation - a non-profit supporting people suffering from blood cancer diseases. We've also received substantial assistance in preparation of this project from the "Dzieciaki Chojraki" Society that works towards improving bone marrow transplantology and pediatric oncology in Poznan.