To our students who are in quarantine or isolation:
We want to offer you support in this difficult time by introducing the Mission UMPossible initiative - students-for-students support during the pandemic.
To our students who are in quarantine or isolation:
We want to offer you support in this difficult time by introducing the Mission UMPossible initiative - students-for-students support during the pandemic.
Due to the fact that the number of coronavirus infections has reached its all-time high in Poland and that Poznan has been designated "red zone" for the level of required anti-pandemic restrictions, Rector Andrzej Tykarski has issued a new regulation to update our guidelines for students and teachers to keep our community and learning environment safe.
According to the recent communication by the ECFMG students and graduates of Polish medical schools now have the option to complete their ECFMG certification and to be exempted from sitting the USMLE Step 2CS while this examination is suspended due to coronavirus pandemic. This opens the possibility for PUMS students and graduates to complete their professional licensing despite the temporary unavailability of the Clinical Skills examination.
The academic year 2020/2021 has been officially inaugurated by Rector Andrzej Tykarski in a ceremony that took place on October 2. It included a speech by the Rector, immatriculation of new students, presentation of awards and degrees, as well as a lecture by Prof. Iwona Mozer-Lisewska.
The Rector has issued a resolution with guidelines for students and teachers on how to conduct teaching activities during the CoViD-19 pandemic. The document is available here.
We are very grateful to PHO3NIX Foundation and Ciech Tri Tour 2020 for donating over 1 000 000 PLN to PUMS pediatric hospital – The Karol Jonscher Clinical Hospital.
We are happy to announce that Dr. Piotr Rzymski from PUMS Department of Environmental Medicine was appointed ambassador of USERN network in Poland.
The university ceremony to inaugurate the academic year 2020/2021 will take place on October 2, 2020 at 11am.
We are deeply saddened by the passing of long-time lecturer, esteemed academic, scientist, and a mentor to many generations of students and doctors - prof. Wojciech Służewski, MD, PhD.
Agnieszka Skotnicka and Marcin Skotnicki from PUMS have taken part in the 2020 5th International Conference on Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science, Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan (ICPPS 2020; 15-18 September 2020; www.icpps.org).
Polish Accreditation Committee (PKA) is currently in advanced talks with the Department of Education. Starting from year 2024 the accreditation of PKA by the World Federation for Medical Education (WFME) will be required in order for graduates of Polish medical schools to be eligible to apply for a medical license with the ECFMG.
Following an official meeting at the end of this month between PKA and WFME the Polish accreditation body will be ready to finalize their official submission of the accreditation application and there are some indications that the verification process will be expedited in light of the current situation. We will follow-up on this matter in October.
Prof. Jacek Wysocki, MD, PhD
President of the Council of the Center for Medical Education in English
In light of a specific event that has taken place between students last academic year, the university would like to remind students that Poznan University of Medical Sciences does not condone any acts of discrimination against other students including — but not limited to — racism. Particularly with an international program such as ours, we believe that differences in race and culture of students should be celebrated and respected. Any actions of harassment or racism are taken seriously and will result in disciplinary action.