06. Health Insurance
Students from the EU/EEA countries
If you are an EU citizen, make sure you get a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) issued by your home country’s public health provider – like the NHS for example. Please remember that this card entitles you to medical help from state institutions or in emergency situations – it will not act as comprehensive travel/health insurance. If you choose to, you can take out comprehensive insurance in Poland, or in your home country.
Detailed information on the health care for EU/EEA citizens can be found on the website of the National Health Fund:
Students from outside the EU/EEA
If possible it is recommended that students from non-EU/EEA countries purchase their own international medical insurance prior to their arrival in Poland. Otherwise they are required to sign a voluntary health insurance agreement with the National Health Fund (Narodowy Fundusz Zdrowia – NFZ) and pay their own insurance fees, which costs around a month. Under this insurance scheme, students are entitled to free medical care and can use university health care clinics and health centres. Also, all foreign students have the option of purchasing additional accident insurance.
For detailed information visit the website of the National Health Fund: www.nfz.gov.pl.