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Our events are of both a social and professional nature. We aid in- and provide high- quality academic events like stress- mastering courses and emergency medicine courses, charity (for bread of life), and also arrange social happenings like pub- quizzes, football- tournaments, bowling evenings, Julebord, 17th. May- parties and others.
Specific information about all our upcoming events are to be found on our facebook- page (under “media”). If you wish to stay updated about our events and be sure to get invited, please like us on facebook.

We believe that a good social environment is important to the individual students well- being and general enjoyment; especially while being far from home. It’s our view that inclusivity and friendship are important factors in coping with the everyday- stress encountered in university life.

We’ve found that students of all nationalities enjoy going to our events, so if you ever wish to experience a real Norwegian atmosphere, join up!

Everybody are welcome to our events, and we hope to see you there!

Next event: Pub- quiz at Tapas bar, stary Rynek, May 31st, at 19:00