Financing for Development of PUMS Pediatric Hospital
We are pleased to announce that the Karol Jonscher PUMS Clinical Hospital has received financing from the Medical Fund for the implementation of the project "Pediatrics PLUS – an adaptation of the strategic infrastructure to Sanitary Inspectorate's orders and standards of care, together with the development of a daycare center for psychiatric care for children and adolescents".
The project, prepared by the hospital and university team, was rated best in Poland by experts evaluating financing applications. It is worth over 102 million PLN, involves the modernization and expansion of the hospital, including: expansion of the clinical and outpatient pediatric psychiatry wards, development of comprehensive cardiac care with rehabilitation, adaptation of departments to modern standards and Sanitary Inspectorate's requirements.
The symbolic handing over of the check to the Authorities of the University and the Hospital was done by the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health, Piotr Bromber.