Graduation - Class of 2022
The graduation ceremony for students of programs in English took place on Monday, May 30th. 170 students from 31 countries graduated this year with degrees in medicine, dentistry, and pharmacy.
The host of the ceremony was the Vice-President for Doctoral School and Post-graduate Education, prof. Ewa Wender-Ożegowska, and the special guest was dr. Marco Roy, PUMS dental program graduate from 2013, who currently works at the Chair and Clinic of Dental Prosthetics and Gerostomoatology. On behalf of academic teachers, a short speech was delivered by dr. Marek Dąbrowski.
Outstanding students were awarded for extraordinary academic, sports, and social achievements. The graduates also presented awards for teachers who gained students’ recognition to prof. Łukasz Gąsiorowski, dr. Marek Dąbrowski, prof. Dariusz Iżycki, dr. Anna Kostrzak, assoc. prof. Tomasz Kulczyk, dr. Krzysztof Gawriołek, dr. Joanna Samborska-Mazur, prof. Przemysław Zalewski, assoc. prof. Katarzyna Kosicka-Noworzyń, and to dr. Alina Kanikowska.
During the artistic part of the event, students Dayane El Achkar from Lebanon gave a vocal performance, and Thomas Piekut from Canada played Chopin’s Nocturne in C# minor for violin.
The Graduation ceremony was broadcast online and watched by over 1300 viewers from 25 countries. After the ceremony, the graduates and their families had the opportunity to have souvenir photos taken by a professional photographer and to buy PUMS merchandise and clothing.
We wish all of this year's graduates much success in their professional careers and lives filled with happiness!
Photos from the event are available at https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?vanity=PUMS.UMP&set=a.7583878428320750.