Processing U.S. Student Loans at PUMS
Please be informed that PUMS Bursary Office in Poznan is now responsible for processing of all documentattion and procedures related to U.S. student aid programs including FAFSA government loans (currently available for DDS, PharmD and Physio Programs) and Sallie Mae private loans (all programs).
Contact persons for all matters related to U.S. student loan programs are:
- Ms. Beata Matyszewska This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- with the support of the Manager of the Dean's Office Mr. Michał Pasikiewicz This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Please also note that this semester Sallie Mae's loans will be disbursed by checks. Each student benefiting from these loans will be required to sign their check at the Dean's Office before it is relayed to a bank for cashing. The process is time-consuming and may take several weeks to complete.