Free Access to Coursera Course Library
Learn new research skills and dive deep into medical science topics of interest with Coursera e-learning platform - we are offering full access to all PUMS students, faculty and staff to the platform's complete library for free for a limited period.
You can review the list of courses pertaining medical sciences at https://pums.ump.edu.pl/images/attachment/Other/Coursera_Enterprise_Catalogue_-_Poznan_University_of_Medical_Sciences_.xlsx. List of all courses is available at https://www.coursera.org/.
In order to access the platform, please register by e-mail with Dr Mikolaj Zaborowski at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (include the name of your selected course).
The offer applies to courses started before July 31 and completed by September 30, 2020.