Letter from the Rector to Employees and Students of PUMS - March 25, 2020
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Dear Employees and Students of Poznan University of Medical Sciences,
Government authorities have introduced the state of epidemic in Poland, which strongly determines our activity as Poznan University of Medical Sciences.
I realize that this is a challenging time, especially for our community. With a sense of duty and bearing in mind the professions we perform, we have engaged in the daily fight against the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
We have set up a dedicated diagnostic laboratory for SARS-CoV-2 testing. Those of our lecturers who are involved in clinical work and many of our students support clinical hospitals and the District Sanitary and Epidemiological Station. We have signed a cooperation agreement with the District Sanitary and Epidemiological Station. A large part of the University administration supports this activity with their daily efforts acquiring the necessary resources for diagnostic tests and coordinating the work of volunteers.
Your attitude makes me proud
I also want to thank you for getting involved in our distance learning efforts.
Despite such intense involvement in the fight against Covid-19, the University must fulfill its statutory tasks. We are facing further challenges of changes in the organization of work, resulting from government's decisions:
1. All in-person teaching activities are suspended until April 10 this year;
2. Mandatory introduction of distance learning;
3. All meetings of more than two people shall be held in the form of teleconferences;
4. Introduction of a restriction of maximum of 2 people allowed to stay in the same room.
Please read the current resolution governing the work regulations at PUMS, which I attach to this letter.
Ladies and Gentlemen! By taking up the challenge of managing the Medical University, I was aware of many of the challenges we would face. However, in my wildest imaginations, I have not anticipated that we would need to work during such difficult times.
I am convinced that we will survive this difficult period and persevere these adversities growing stronger and ready to take on new challenges. I am asking you for all possible assistance and to observe the recommendations issued by the University Board.
Prof. Andrzej Tykarski, M.D., Ph.D.