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AMSA prides itself on giving back to the community. Here, at the PUMS AMSA chapter, the Volunteering Committee is still in its infancy, but we have made volunteering and giving back to the community a priority.

You can find all of the AMSA volunteer collaborations below:

  • The Annual Teddy Bear Drive in collaboration with the PUMS Student Pediatric Society (SPS)
  • Various events throughout Poznan in collaboration with Poznan Leo Club
  • The Peer Mentorship Program at PUMS (click here to find out more)
  • The bottle cap drive


Future collaborations:

  • Health Missions with Global Brigades
  • Volunteering at the Poznan Marathon and Half Marathon

If you have any suggestions for future events and collaborations, we would love to hear them. Feel free to send us a message on Facebook here.